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The 29th DAIWA Fishing for the Crystal Sword from Lake Millstätter See: 27.09.-12.10.2024


Dear fishing friends!

The date has already been set: from 27 September to 12 October 2024, the best fishermen in the country and beyond will once again compete.
Of course, fun and togetherness are the top priorities!

We wish all participants a hearty "Petri Heil"!

All the latest information on fishing around Lake Millstätter See can be found on our website

Your organisation team


Whether little Paul or the somewhat older Franz. Both can enjoy the lake for hours. Franz is Paul's grandfather and always liked to take the little ones fishing on Lake Millstätter See. While Franz was the great role model for some time, Paul is now on the verge of outdoing his grandfather. He was at the top of last year's crystal vendace fishing. The biggest Vendace brought him this victory. "The water and the many stories around the lake have always fascinated me. So I was already in the fishing museum " beams our Paul.

Yes, fishing is also very important in Seeboden and therefore this unique fishing event is held every year by the Tourism Association together with the Millstätter See Fishing Association.