Association ""
What would life be without art and its creators?
An initiative is needed to make art visible. And so art-loving fellow citizens found each other and founded the association "". Now we had to get a gallery. But it wasn't supposed to be an ordinary gallery. It became a gallery in the staircase or the staircase to the gallery. Always new and unusual points of view arise. Weather conditions alone, but also the position of the sun make this gallery so unique.
Opening hours: at exhibition Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 o'clock
Besides the association is also responsible for the event Kunst am Abend,
, and for many initiatives.
Otto Eder
A tragic genius
Not many people are able to be a living legend during their lifetime. Around the lake this privilege was granted to Otto Eder (1924 - 1982), a brilliant artist, bon vivant, but also a person plagued by self-doubt. Eder preferred to work with marble and plaster, concrete and wood were also used. The press wrote about him: "Eder falls out of the ordinary! He had essential things to say and was to be taken seriously."
He was regarded as co-founder of the association "Begegnungen in Kärnten - Werkstätte Krastal". Some of his sculptures can be found today in Seeboden. His estate is now administered by Ferdinand Altnöder.
Tip: If you follow the marked out path "Kunst am Weg" through Seeboden, you will immediately discover Otto Eder's sculptures.
Painter and graphic artist Roland Grasser
An artist personality from Seeboden at Lake Millstätter See
At the age of 24, Roland Grasser, at first a little annoyed and irritating for his parents, broke off the path to a successful career as a banker. His style is neither Im- nor Expressionism and cannot be assigned to any other traditional Ismus, it is Grasserism, but no Stylism. With large commissions, public and private, it became clear that one is ready to accompany one's creative zigzag path, to go with it and to recognize its value.
Tip: His works can be seen for example in the Volksbank Spitta/Drau or in the Bonsaimuseum in Seeboden.
But his work also adorns the etiquette of Liane Adenberger's Seebodner Whisky.