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Very close to heaven

During the summer season, the Goldeck offers its visitors a touching mountain experience. The ascent with Carinthia's most modern cable car takes you comfortably and easily to the Goldeck excursion and hiking area: the unique sunrise, geocaching on old gold mining trails or a culinary hut hike - simply be very close to heaven. Recharge your batteries for everyday life in this magnificent landscape. Let your gaze wander into the distance through oversized photo frames and "telescopes" or simply relax and unwind!

All information about the Goldeck summer


Operating times Goldeck summer 2024
30 May to 02 June
07 June to 09 June
14 June to 16 June
daily 09:15 - 16:15High season:
June 21 to September 08
 Autumn - weather permitting only:
13 to 15 September
20 to 22 September
27 to 29 September
04 to 06 October
11 to 13 October
18 to 20 October
25 to 27 October



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Our mountain summer on the Goldeck

Everything is possible